The Sunday Update | June 12, 2016

The Sunday Update | June 12, 2016

Faith at Work in Your Life – Hebrews 13:1-6

What does it look like to have faith at work in our lives? We’ll have some answers on Sunday. The writer of Hebrews is not content to simply declare scriptural principles to us; he wants us to demonstrate God by the way we live. We are his work on display to the world. Take some time to prep for Sunday by reading through our passage linked above. We want you to be ready for an encounter with God.

In our ongoing quest to come ready to worship, our praise team is introducing a new song this week. Check it out here to become familiar with it. It will enhance your praise!

VBS – Cave Quest – Following the Light of the World in Dark Places 6/20-24

Sunday’s the deadline – don’t be left out! Sign your children up at the Cave Quest table in the Fellowship Hall or online here.

Help our first followers at VBS by volunteering for snacks, games, and set decor to set the stage for a great experience. We also need small group guides who will guide them through their daily journey as they travel closer to Christ not only for a week, but for a lifetime. Go to the online volunteer signup or stop by the Cave Quest table in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Darcie for more information.

Baptisms scheduled for June 26th

You can join with others committing to demonstrate and declare their life in Jesus Christ through baptism. It’s going to be a great morning as we gather together in this faith-building experience, both for those being baptized and we who are cheering them on! If you would like to be baptized as a believer or find out more information, email me (Jim) and I’ll walk you through the details.

Preparing yourself for Sunday is one way that you can reap the maximum benefit out of your worship experience. I pray that we will all be together in service for a time of real change in our walk with Christ.

In Christ,


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