The Sunday Update | September 25, 2016

The Sunday Update | September 25, 2016

It Matters Who You Follow. What qualities should we look for in leaders? It is so important because in our world, and even in our churches there are many voices vying for our loyalty. Paul speaks to his young protege, serving in a church with many desiring to be leaders. In 1 Timothy 3:1-13 he gives important qualifications that should be set.

Communion Preparation Ministry Opportunity

We’re looking for communion preparers on even numbered months to arrive half hour prior to first service (8:30) to prepare and place communion trays and then about 10 minutes after first service to clean up. Your ministry serves the whole church and can even involve families serving God together in this ministry. Please contact Amy Arthur for details.

Sunday: A New Schedule!

It’s finally here – our new schedule! Services start at at 9:00 and 10:45. With a great time of fellowship between services, we’re looking forward to greater energy and an enhanced worship time. Check here for information regarding kids preschool and above during the fellowship time. Be praying for a great time as we worship God with enthusiasm and connect with one another!


Be sure you’re in you seat by 6 pm for an evening of encouragement and input as we hear the great things that have happened and the things we’re looking forward to as we implement our mission, “to invite all people to receive, demonstrate and declare God’s transforming grace.” We’re on track for a terrific fall season and we want you to know about it. We’ll also be ratifying our deacons, and naming three congregational members to our nominating committee. Bring your pre-contacted nominees that you have prayerfully considered. A fellowship reception time will follow the meeting.

As we introduce two services on Sunday we’re praying for enhanced worship and increased connection with one another. Let’s all be in service for this exciting new venture.

In Christ,


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