The Sunday Update | February 19, 2017

The Sunday Update | February 19, 2017

Restoration through Worthy Sacrifice

Sunday we open up Malachi 1 as we begin a two-part series on this important book. Like Israel of old we wonder if God really loves us. God’s abundance seems to be replaced with a new normal of frustration and depression. We don’t ask ourselves if our give-back to God has started to look like Israel’s second-hand sacrifices. We’ll see that we can experience restoration by offering worthy sacrifice to God following Christ’s example when he gave his all to God. Patrick will guide us as we see how the worthy sacrifice restores our commitment to God.

This Sunday, February 19th – 12:00 pm

The Board of Elders announces a special business meeting Sunday, February 19 at 12:00 pm following the second service. The staff restructuring proposal is the only agenda item. At least 61 members must be present so please be there. You can email the church office for an absentee ballot at We will check the email regularly prior to the meeting. Please note that the ballot must be received prior to the vote on Sunday.

Thanks so much for your thoughts and prayers for my recuperation from my recent surgery on February 9th. I’m thankful that my progress has been rapid and I’m feeling healthy and well. I’m looking forward to being in second service to hear Patrick and being at the business meeting following the service. It’s going to be a wonderful time as we worship together and then as we seek to discern God’s will for the direction he would have us take as a church!

In Christ,


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