The Sunday Update | June 18, 2017

The Sunday Update | June 18, 2017


REMAINING FREE – Galatians 4:21 – 5:1

A child of freedom or a child of slavery; that’s the choice we look at Sunday. How will we choose to live? The choice seems obvious yet we keep retreating into old ways. We’ll learn to recognize when we do and how we can stand firm against the tendency in all of us to pick up the burden of slavery again. Don’t miss this important message!

Making a Difference through Prayer


The sets are going up, the materials have been assembled, the volunteers have been trained, and all is in place for a great kickoff on Monday for our VBS. I hope you’ve been praying this week and will continue to pray next week as well. We need you on the team!

Be with us Sunday as we dedicate our VBS workers in the services. Workers, be sure you’re in the service you normally attend so we can pray for you and ask God’s blessing for this great week!


If you’ve never been to camp, click here & view the video to see what it looks like. It’s loads of fun, and can be life-changing! Sunday we begin two weeks of prayer; one in preparation and one while they’re at camp. We need sponsors to pray for each one of our campers and staff by name so check your bulletin on Sunday. We want them to know that you’re behind them. They leave for San Diego on the train on June 26th.

In addition to all that is happening we want you to celebrate Father’s Day with us. Dads can point us to God and we want to celebrate the impact they have on our lives. We’ll have a photo backdrop for family pictures, a great reception, and a brief time of reflection on the difference a godly dad can make. Make a special effort to be in service on Sunday as we worship and learn together, pray for a great week of VBS and God’s work in our students, and celebrate dads. Hope to see you!

In Christ,


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