Sermons from September 2016

Sermons from September 2016

It Matters Who You Follow

It Matters Who You Follow. What qualities should we look for in leaders? It is so important because in our world, and even in our churches there are many voices vying for our loyalty. Paul speaks to his young protege, serving in a church with many desiring to be leaders. In 1 Timothy 3:1-13 he gives important qualifications that should be set. The saying is trustworthy:…

Looking for Something to Agree On

We often ignore the things we agree on and fight over the obscure things. 1 Timothy 2:8-15 opens up many thorny questions, strong emotions and cultural minefields that we need to address. Yet there are also clear statements that we tend to ignore. Sunday I’m praying that God will open our hearts to be the prioritized people he has called us to be. I desire then that in…

Pray For Who?

Pray for Who?? If there was ever a passage that seemed to be written for today it’s 1 Timothy 2:1-7. Many are worried and wondering how we should live in our current day. It’s a similar dilemma that faced first century Christians. We’ll see how Paul’s instructions give us a perspective that moves beyond the moment and moves to an eternal viewpoint.…

Hold the Line

HOLDING THE LINE, staying the course, finishing well are phrases in our vocabulary because it is so tough to do. Examples are all around us of people who started out well in life, in marriage, in faith, or in so many other endeavors but got tripped up. Sunday Paul challenges Timothy (and us) to stay the course and gives us resources to do so. Be here for this great…