God says – people say; who’s right? As we open Malachi, in the first of a two-week look at this important book God sets up a dialogue with God-followers who challenge very basic statements that God makes. The studies these next two weeks are so important because they look at tendencies that are so prevalent in churches today, and, to some extent, may even be lurking inside us! If you want to study ahead, you can read the entire book or for a condensed look, read chapter one for a sampling of the problem, and 3:1 for God’s ultimate solution.
Pray that God will give us receptive hearts as he speaks to us through this perceptive prophet.
A note on the “Save the dates” from last week
12/06 Children’s Choir Christmas Concert – Morning services
I neglected to mention the Sunday night children’s concert on the 6th. I wanted to give a special emphasis because the evening concert is a great opportunity to invite guests in a little less intimidating format. It’s wonderful opportunity.
ABF Leaders’ meeting at 6 PM in Lewis Lofts.
The holiday season is an opportunity to invite someone to come and see what God is doing here. Lives are being changed and people are growing up in Jesus Christ. Take the opportunity to ask a friend to come along. It could change their life.
In Christ,