- First and second services – regular time; Child care provided birth through kindergarten
- Third service cancelled.
The Beacon ABF has a beach day at Carpenteria Beach and we’re all invited. Here are the details from Amy Spence (text 805-750-1208 for questions).
- We’re encouraging families to attend first service at 8:15 and then head up to Carpinteria Beach. It can be difficult to sit with younger kids through a service but it is a habit to encourage! I know what you must be thinking, “Packing for the beach AND attend first service, is she crazy?!” Yes it can be done!
- Pack your car for the beach the night before!
- Pack your younger kids an activity bag for church!
- Pack your lunch & drinks for the beach
- Invite a family or friend to church & the beach
- Come to church in your modest beach cover up and untidy beach hair!
- Praise the Lord through worship and be encouraged by the sermon!
- Drive to the beach, dig those toes in the sand and enjoy God’s creation and the body of Christ He has brought together!
- Meet at the Carpinteria City Beach at the end of Linden Avenue!