"judgement" Tagged Sermons
Jericho or Ninevah?
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon notes.) CHAPEL CITY (BUILDING) BLOCK PARTY SUNDAY 9/10 – 10:15 We’re gathering for one church service at 9:00 AM on Sunday as we kick off our fall semester during the second service time (10:15-noon ) with an epic celebration for the new ministry year. We’ll have bounce houses for the kids and some…
Why Communion?
Sunday will be a time to remember the Lord through the communion and to look into the Word to remember why we remember. As we look into 1 Corinthians (linked above) it will be a great opportunity for unbounded worship and praise for the gift that Jesus gave to us. For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was…