Sermons from January 2025
Where did THAT come from?
Where did THAT come from? Welcome to Chapel City Church! Over the last two weeks, James has instructed us to think rightly about trials. We understand that they are occasions for joy in the life of a believer not because they are easy, but because they produce eternally valuable things. Trials will come to everyone, but Christians can rejoice because of who they are in…
Truth for Trials, part 2
Welcome to Chapel City Church. This week we will continue to work through what James reminds his readers about suffering. We have seen the call to respond joyfully, to think rightly, and to ask for wisdom in times of need. We have also seen God’s promise to faithfully supply that need when we ask in faith. But how should we think about ourselves in times of testing?…
Truth for Trials
Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will begin to work through the first chapter of the Book of James. In his opening call, James asks his readers to do something that many consider impossible- they are to consider their trials as opportunities for joy. Living in a fallen world means that Christians will face difficult things. Some of those tests and trials come…
James: Faith in Action
Welcome to Chapel City Church! As we turn the calendar over to a new year, we also turn the pages of our bible to the study of a new book. For the next few months, we will work our way through the Book of James. This wonderful, practical book shows us what real faith looks like. It’s more than understanding a collection of theological facts. It’s more than…