The End in the Beginning

The End in the Beginning

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today. As we move into the Advent season, we are filled with a certain anticipation. We know that Christmas is coming, so we decorate our homes, we sing familiar songs, and we buy gifts for those that we love. But there is a greater anticipation that we as believers are called to live with. Because God was faithful to send his Son, exactly as he promised, we don’t just look back on a manger in Bethlehem at the birth of the Savior. We look forward to the time when the Son will return, and when he will rule over creation as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. We live with reminders of promises that God has made, and pictures of promises that God has kept. And this week, we will look at the very first Christmas promise. But it doesn’t come in the gospels, or even in the prophets. We have to go back to the beginning to find the promises that God makes for what will come at the very end! 

And I will put enmity
Between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her seed;
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise him on the heel.”
Genesis 3:15


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