Truth for Trials

Truth for Trials

Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will begin to work through the first chapter of the Book of James. In his opening call, James asks his readers to do something that many consider impossible- they are to consider their trials as opportunities for joy. Living in a fallen world means that Christians will face difficult things. Some of those tests and trials come as a result of our own sinful desires. But many of the trials we face have nothing to do with our choices, they are simply the result of living in a world impacted by sin. So how can the Christian approach these inevitable struggles with joy? James will say that this joy isn’t going to come by chance or by nature. Joy in trials can only come when we understand certain truths. Joy comes when we understand who God is in the midst of our trials, and what he is producing through those trials. And as we understand what James is saying, that call to joy no longer seems insensitive or impossible. It’s the comforting, caring call of a pastor who loves his people and wants them to experience the divine joy that God supplies, even in their most difficult moments. We would love to know how we can be praying for you, potentially in your difficult moments.

Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.   
James 1:2-4


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