Adult Sunday School Classes

Adult Sunday School Classes

Adult Sunday School Classes, you get connected to others through prayer and the study of a shared topic. This is the place where lots of needs are met, relationships are forged, and people have the chance to study the Word together with lots of input from fellow Christians. All Sunday school classes meet at 10:45am. We encourage you to join us for our corporate worship service at 9am

Answering the Call of God in Vocation – taught by Steve Hagberg meets in E104. Vocation is how we spend our days wherever God has placed us. God has called us to be Christ’s disciples. Let’s talk through how those connect for all of us—whether at work, at school, at home, in retirement, etc.

Excavating Exegesis: Taking Sunday Morning into the Rest of the Week – meets in the sanctuary. This class will focus on how to put action to the application of Sunday’s sermon. It’s a great opportunity to take our study of God’s word deeper.