Sermon Archive

Sermon Archive

The Path to Joy

Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will continue to look at what genuine faith produces in the lives of believers.  Experiencing joy, and all aspects of the fruit of the Spirit are one way we see how saving faith changes us in our daily lives.  But what is our part in receiving this gift in the midst of circumstances that are not joyful, or peaceful. Today we…

The Law of Love

Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will open up the second chapter of James with an example of what love looks like. He closed chapter 1 by pointing out that pure and undefiled religion meant caring for the outcast and the other, as well as being unstained by the world. Chapter 2 works through personal favoritism, and how that response goes directly against what…

Walking in the Word

Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will finish the first chapter in our study of the Book of James. This last section will set the stage for the rest of what James writes to his scattered readers. The reality of your faith is demonstrated by its impact on your life. There is a faith that is deluded, a religion that is worthless. There is a way to look eternally…

Where did THAT come from?

Where did THAT come from? Welcome to Chapel City Church! Over the last two weeks, James has instructed us to think rightly about trials. We understand that they are occasions for joy in the life of a believer not because they are easy, but because they produce eternally valuable things. Trials will come to everyone, but Christians can rejoice because of who they are in…

Truth for Trials, part 2

Welcome to Chapel City Church. This week we will continue to work through what James reminds his readers about suffering. We have seen the call to respond joyfully, to think rightly, and to ask for wisdom in times of need. We have also seen God’s promise to faithfully supply that need when we ask in faith. But how should we think about ourselves in times of testing?…

Truth for Trials

Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we will begin to work through the first chapter of the Book of James. In his opening call, James asks his readers to do something that many consider impossible- they are to consider their trials as opportunities for joy. Living in a fallen world means that Christians will face difficult things. Some of those tests and trials come…

James: Faith in Action

Welcome to Chapel City Church! As we turn the calendar over to a new year, we also turn the pages of our bible to the study of a new book. For the next few months, we will work our way through the Book of James. This wonderful, practical book shows us what real faith looks like. It’s more than understanding a collection of theological facts. It’s more than…

The Son & the Shepherd

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are less than a week from Christmas, and it’s hard to believe how fast the season has gone. Our prayer is that you have found encouragement, joy, and rest as we have thought about the constant faithfulness of God. He has kept His promises to His people, and we know that he will continue to. This week we come to the promise of a…

The Covenant & the King

Welcome to Chapel City Church! This week we light the third advent candle- The Candle of Joy. And it is indeed a joyful season. From the joy that we find in watching our kids’ choir to the joy that we feel as we celebrate with family and friends, this is a time that many of us cherish. But where does lasting joy come from? The season will come and go, the gifts will be…

The Son & the Substitute

Welcome to Chapel City Church! As we continue to move through the Advent season, we are focusing on the promises that God has made to his people. Last week we looked at the promise of the “head crusher” from Genesis 3, and we saw how God was faithful to fulfill that through the birth of Jesus Christ. We also look forward to his final victory when Satan is defeated…

The End in the Beginning

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today. As we move into the Advent season, we are filled with a certain anticipation. We know that Christmas is coming, so we decorate our homes, we sing familiar songs, and we buy gifts for those that we love. But there is a greater anticipation that we as believers are called to…