May 24th
Last Sunday we saw how devastating it can be to hang out with the wrong friends; to get too cozy with our own desires, our own self-sufficiency, and with with world. Tomorrow Patrick opens up the flip side to see how life-changing when we hang out with the right Friend! James 4:7-11 is one of those passages that has profound effect on our lives if we will put legs to it in our own lives. Don’t miss this great time around the word.
Announcements & Updates
May 31st – Annual Business Meeting
We are welcoming new members, approving the new budget, and ratifying new elders David Holden and John Thomas, for the 2015-2018 term. Child care is provided through kindergarten. A reception for our new members immediately follows the meeting. The 2015-16 Consolidated Budget Proposal folder with the supporting details is on the usher’s cabinet just inside the main entrance doors. Be sure to pick one up.
The Sheltons are transitioning to different areas of ministry after many years of faithful service. Cara served as Facilities Director, Steve and Cara as our custodial staff, and Steve as our 5th and 6th grade Sunday morning teacher. Other positions are too numerous to count! In addition, it has always been a family affair with the kids pitching in on everything. NO, they’re not leaving – but we can’t let their service go unnoticed.
Join us immediately after church on 6/7 for an ALL-AMERICAN THANK YOU AND LUNCH in the Quad with hot dogs, brats, watermelon, and ice cream – all the works for a great party. We’ll try have you on your way by 1:45 so the kids can get their nap in (me, too!).
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!
In Christ,