January 10th
Sunday is a special day as we hear from Steven Hervey, former pastor and current US Navy Chaplain who attends CEFC. I have grown to appreciate Steven, his heart for the Lord, and his service to our country. It will be a great opportunity to hear of this important ministry and a message from God’s word. Read Acts 1 for good preparation to the message and be ready for a meaningful day.
Small group sign ups
Our winter quarter begins the week of 1/17. Committed to Connecting with one another, Applying God’s word in our lives, Praying for one another, and Serving one another, these groups have been very successful in the lives of their members. We have a few spots open and a list that we can use to start a new group if there is interest.
VMV Workshop
Be sure to stop by the Fellowship Hall on Sunday to see the results of our eight-hour Values/Mission/Vision workshop. It was a good first step to charting a course for our future as our Group of 50 gathered to discuss the state of the church, our strengths and weaknesses, and our potential for the future. We’ll be getting more information out in the next couple of weeks but members of the group will be available in the Fellowship Hall will be around to explain the “Memory Wall,” and the charts posted around the room.
One-Year, One Bible Participants –
I hope you’re on track. If not, it’s time to get started. Reports are already coming in about God’s blessing through their time alone with God!
I am thrilled with the opportunity to hear Chaplain Hervey and I know that your heart will be blessed. Pray that God will use him to speak to us tomorrow. Also, as you visit the displays in the Fellowship Hall, be in prayer that God will move us into new and exciting days!
In Christ,