The Sunday Update | May 1, 2016

The Sunday Update | May 1, 2016

May 1st

Life is hard. That phrase rolls of the tongue if we’re not living it. It’s a desperate cry if we’re sinking under the relentless waves of hardship. How do we survive? How do we escape despair? This important study speaks to the deepest struggles of faith and trust. I’m praying it will give some important principles to navigating through uncharted territory when the GPS has gone down.

It’s appropriate that we will celebrate communion this Sunday. It is a reminder that we are God’s children because of Jesus’ provision; and that as his children, there is a way through these devastating times of life.

Family Communion – Sunday

At Chapel City Church we are committed to our youngest followers and their growth in Christ. That priority plays out Sunday with a special family communion held earlier in the service with special explanation geared toward children. Our children’s classes will be staffed normally for the entire service but we encourage parents to bring their children for the first part of the worship to learn about the Lord’s Supper and worship with their parents.

National Day of Prayer – Thursday – Constitution Park – 6:15 pm

NDOP is finally here. Make a personal commitment to be a part of this movement next Thursday. Christians acting together to seek God’s hand in our lives and our nation is an important goal for us personally and for Chapel City Church. Dress warm, bring a lawn chair, and take action! Consider organizing your ABF, small group, or student group to come as a group and pray together.

Special Announcement – Elder Candidates – 2016 – 2019

The Chapel City Church Nominating Committee announces that Wayne Brueckner and John Price be submitted to the congregation for ratification at the annual meeting. The nominating committee is made up of elders appointed by the board of elders and congregational members voted on at the September meeting.

I’m praying that Sunday will be a special day with our communion service. Whether-or-not you’re in a service with lots of kids, there is a special time of explanation that leads us to a deeper remembrance. These special times are meant to deepen our experience and strengthen our faith. I hope to see you in service Sunday!

In Christ,


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