Walking with Jesus in the 21st Century
The Virtuous Circle
As followers of Jesus Christ we wonder if we can really make a difference in a society struggling to make sense of a senseless world. Sunday we will see that we can; but to do that we will need to see the world through God’s eyes. We’ll hear from Rahn Strickler, our missionary who brings a wealth of insight that will help us understand how growing up as followers of Christ can impact our world for Jesus Christ. Don’t miss this chance to hear unusual insight.
VBS – Cave Quest – is here! The stage is decorated and the staff is ready
Our job is to pray for staff and cavers every morning next week. Pray for:
- open hearts ready to commit to Christ and to grow in him;
- excited staff ready to serve our kid;
- safety and security of kids and staff;
- that cavers inside and outside of Chapel City Church will make a positive impact on friends because of Cave Quest.
If you have any questions, contact Darcie for more information.
Baptisms next week
It’s not too late to demonstrate and declare your life in Jesus Christ through baptism. Email me (Jim) or give me your contact info at church and I’ll walk you through the details.
Reserve the date – Summer Specials begin July 6
Our Wednesday dinners will take on a new air this year with varied menus and programs. The goal is to connect with one another and really get plugged into Chapel City!
Rahn and Stephanie Strickler have been connected to Chapel City Church for more than three decades. I have always been moved by their love for Christ and how they enlarge our horizons as world-class Christians. Make a special effort to be in service with us on Sunday.
In Christ,