The Sunday Update | July 3, 2016

The Sunday Update | July 3, 2016

The Path to Freedom – Isaiah 61:1-4, Galatians 5:1

This weekend our thoughts turn to our country’s most fundamental statement of freedom 240 years ago. Freedom is one of our greatest values but is too often misunderstood. We listen to the truth of Jesus when he said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Sunday we look at that reality to see what it means, how we are still enslaved, and how we can very practically make that freedom our own.

Summer Specials start Wednesday @ 6 pm.
Adults – $6 Kids under 10 – $1

It’s an all-American cookout with dogs & brats and all that goes with it for an Independence Day Celebration. We’ll have a great program orchestrated by Cara Shelton that will stir the emotions of adults & kids alike. We’ll meet outside in the Quad so bring something warm if you need it!

Fiesta Sunday & Beach Day – NEXT SUNDAY July 10

  • First and second services – regular time; Child care provided birth through kindergarten
  • Third service cancelled.

The Beacon ABF has a beach day at Carpenteria Beach and we’re all invited. Here are the details from Amy Spence (text 805-750-1208 for questions).

  • We’re encouraging families to attend first service at 8:15 and then head up to Carpinteria Beach. It can be difficult to sit with younger kids through a service but it is a habit to encourage! I know what you must be thinking, “Packing for the beach AND attend first service, is she crazy?!” Yes it can be done!
  • Pack your car for the beach the night before!
  • Pack your younger kids an activity bag for church!
  • Pack your lunch & drinks for the beach
  • Invite a family or friend to church & the beach
  • Come to church in your modest beach cover up and untidy beach hair!
  • Praise the Lord through worship and be encouraged by the sermon!

Drive to the beach, dig those toes in the sand and enjoy God’s creation and the body of Christ He has brought together!

Too many people are bound by guilt and shame. Too many of us are enslaved looking for likes from the wrong people. As we celebrate Independence Day on Sunday, I am praying that many of us will find the Lord of true freedom. The stakes are too high to miss it. Plan to be in service with us on Sunday.

In Christ,


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