Honor is sadly lacking in our society yet it is a biblical principle. We are losing the ability to respect people who are different than we are or those who are in authority. As Patrick opens up 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2 you’ll see the profound role that honor plays in relationships and how it must be integral to special relationships in our lives.
Memories in Costa Rica
Jim and Barbara continue on vacation in Costa Rica and embark on a “memory tour” next week visiting friends and co-workers who they haven’t seen in more than 30 years. Be in prayer for a safe journey and a meaningful time as they renew old friendships and connections in Christ.
Reading through the Bible
We started a campaign last January to read through the Bible in a year using the Daily Bible or an alternate. How are you doing? If you’re so far behind you’ll never catch up, pick up with today’s reading and start anew! Set aside a few minutes each day and you’ll be amazed how quickly you refresh a good habit!
Barbara and I are away from you in these days but we’re there in spirit. We are confident that God will work in mighty ways through Patrick and challenge our hearts to seeing truth that we have become blinded to by the influences of our culture. I’m praying for a moving Sunday. Plan on being in service on Sunday!
In Christ,