In his recruitment of John Scully for Apple Computers, Steve Jobs asked Scully,
“Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?” Imagine what would have happened if he had replied, “Sugared water is good enough for me.” Yet as we open up our new series in Galatians, we’ll meet a church that was ready to make a foolish trade down. As we open up Galatians we’ll begin to see how we too, find ourselves trading down in ways that cost us dearly.
On May 4th at 6 pm at Constitution Park, the churches of Camarillo will gather together to pray for our country. This important gathering brings Christians together to recognize God’s strong hand and pray for his blessing and direction in these turbulent times. Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend as Christians from all over Camarillo join in seeking God’s direction.
Click here for NDP details
Want to know more about Chapel City Church, or join us in membership? Our next Church Information Class will be May 7th at 6 pm in the overflow room next to the sanctuary. You can sign up on your registration slip or click below.
Church Information Class sign up
We’re looking forward to a great VBS June 19-23 with Maker Fun Factory – Created by God (preview here). Each morning our kids will learn to look for God’s creativity in their own lives and in their world around them. In May regular registration kicks in. Plan ahead to bring your kids and their friends for a great week! Check out this song from VBS
Click here to sign up for VBS
Isabel Neuneubel, our faithful friend and the Lord’s servant passed away on April 14th. We will miss her! Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bob during this time of great loss. We’re going to have a memorial service at the church on Saturday, April 29th at 1:30 pm with a reception immediately following
We are thankful for a meaningful Easter week where we met God in a special way. With the startup of our spring quarter of small groups and our new Sunday series we are looking forward to an awesome time of God’s blessing. Plan to be in service on Sunday as we journey together in faith.
On a separate note, be in prayer for our elders and finance team as we work and pray together to plan the budget for a new fiscal year. Remember that our continuing and increasing gifts expand our horizons in ministry.
In Christ,