June 28th
There’s an old saying that says “you can’t see the forest for the trees.” It refers to a person who is too focused on the details of a problem to see the issue as a whole. We are definitely in a forest-trees passage on Sunday where too often people lose the most critical lesson because of the fascination and difficulty of the specifics of the passage. As you read over James 5:13-18, the questions may pop out at you but both the overall and the specific lessons on prayer will become apparent as we gather together. Be in prayer for a challenging and an enriching time as we jump into God’s word!
Announcements & Updates
Summer Specials are almost here – starting July 8 @ 6 pm
If you are new to CEFC, you may not have heard of our six-week Summer Specials but they’re GREAT! A full roast beef dinner kicks off the evening at 6 pm. The cost is adults – $6; kids under 10 – $1. If cost is an issue, we’ll work that out.It’s a great evening of fellowship and you don’t have to heat up the kitchen at home. At 7:00 we have a study for those who are interested but some choose to stay and socialize around the tables; the choice is yours. There is a kid’s program and youth often choose to hang out in the youth room. Join us for a special evening and invite friends to come along.
Special clean-up note. If you, your ABF or Small Group would like to volunteer for a week to help with clean-up after dinner, please contact the church office and let Barbara know. It’s a great chance to get to know others on the team.
Baptisms coming in July
If you haven’t been baptized as a believer and are interested in this important step of faith, please contact Jim as soon as possible. They are tentatively scheduled for the 26th but we may shift them to the 19th.
Child Dedication in July
If you are interested in dedicating your children to the Lord please contact Jim as soon as possible. Child dedication is scheduled for the 26th,
I’m praying for a great day tomorrow.
In Christ,