Sunday the 5th we’re looking forward to a meaningful morning as we look at those James’s final words to these young churches. Just like today, there were those who apparently started out well with the Lord but just wandered away. It wasn’t just that they left the church, they left the Lord! As we look into these final admonitions we not only consider how to optimize our influence with wanderers, we think about how to avoid becoming wanderers ourselves!
We will wind up remembering the sacrifice of Christ through the communion and the bond it gives us in Jesus.
Announcements & Updates (there’s a lot of important stuff here so at least peruse each one)
Special schedule – Fiesta Days 7/12
NOT TOMORROW – Next Sunday, 7/12 are Fiesta Days in Camarillo. You can still make it to church – parking is relatively easy in the morning but here’s what you need to know.
- Schedule change: No third service – services at 8:15 and 9:30 only. Child care through. Many families will be at the beach (see below) so we won’t have graded classes beyond preschool. A good opportunity to worship with your children.
- Church at the beach: Beacon ABF invites all interested to the main beach in Carpinteria (not the state beach) for church at the beach. All bring their own food and supplies. There is a gathering for worship about 9:30. Come when you can, leave when you must. Contact Craig Shackleford for details.
Summer Specials are almost here – starting Wednesday @ 6 pm
If you are new to CEFC, you may not have heard of our six-week Summer Specials but they’re GREAT! A full roast beef dinner kicks off the evening at 6 pm. The cost is adults – $6; kids under 10 – $1. If cost is an issue, we’ll work that out.It’s a great evening of fellowship and you don’t have to heat up the kitchen at home. At 7:00 we have a study for those who are interested but some choose to stay and socialize around the tables; the choice is yours. There is a kid’s program and youth often choose to hang out in the youth room. Join us for a special evening and invite friends to come along.
Special clean-up note. If you, your ABF or Small Group would like to volunteer for a week to help with clean-up after dinner, please contact the church office and let Barbara know. It’s a great chance to get to know others on the team.
Baptisms coming July 19th
If you haven’t been baptized as a believer and are interested in this important step of faith, please contact Jim as soon as possible.
Child Dedication in July
If you are interested in dedicating your children to the Lord please contact Jim as soon as possible. Child dedication is scheduled for the 26th,
I’m praying for a great day tomorrow.
In Christ,