The Sunday Update | December 13, 2015

The Sunday Update | December 13, 2015

Ever feel like you don’t quite fit in? It’s bad enough when we feel that way but it’s terrible when it’s true! Sunday we look at Ruth, the ultimate outsider who God not only welcomed into the family, but seated her at the head table. This inspiring study will help us see not only how God welcomes us, but how we can be instrumental in welcoming others. It is truly the message of Christmas!

As we join for Communion, it will be a special reminder of God’s gift to us.

Through the Bible in a Year

Next year at this time we want YOU to be getting close to completing your goal of reading through the Bible along with your church family. The benefits of time alone with God and the changes it brings will be a great encouragement in your life. There are two plans: the Classic reads chapter-by-chapter, while the Chronological breaks it up according to historical flow. Here’s what you need to do to participate.

Register online as a participant by clicking here.

Purchase your classic Bible on your own here. (the One Year Bible, regular or Kindle)

Purchase your chronological Bible on your own here. (The Daily Bible, regular or Kindle)

Other versions are available online if you prefer; let us know if you need help ordering! If you order on your own, please still register online so we can encourage one another.

Staff Love Gift

December is the month the elders set aside for our church to say thank you to our staff for the great ministry they provide. If you would like to contribute please use the gift envelopes at the rear of the sanctuary or designate “staff love gift” on your checks.

Norm and Debra Copeland

ABFs will join both second and third services to host Norm and Debra Copeland, missionaries with New Tribes Missions. Branches will meet as scheduled.

I am praying that these non-traditional Christmas studies will have a deep impact on our lives and will move us to be to others what Christ is to us – an attraction to God.

In Christ,


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