February 7th – A Family Communion Service
Sunday is a special day as we will be encouraging parents to celebrate communion with their children in the service. We will commemorate the Lord’s Supper toward the beginning of the service so the children can leave for their own class time. Darcie – our Children’s Ministries Director found a great resource for preparing your children for communion. You can check it out here.
We will be looking into Hebrews 4:14 – 5:10 for a meaningful look at Jesus, our Approachable Advocate, who is the greatest resource we could possibly have. It is a great capstone to our communion service and an opportunity to respond in renewed devotion to Jesus, the one we remember tomorrow.
We’re still looking for a Children’s Snacks Coordinator
We’re looking for a great behind-the-scenes person to purchase snacks and juice on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, then to stock the snack containers with snacks, cups, and napkins and put them in the classrooms on Saturdays or early Sunday mornings. All costs are reimbursed. Contact Darcie King or the church office for more information.
Sunday is a special day for our children. We believe it is important to train them up in the faith and this is an important step. It’s a move to orient them to the ordinances that Christ has given us and to help these youngest Christ followers into a deeper walk with Christ. Be in prayer that as parents and as a church we will be dedicated to raising up a new generation of disciples fully devoted to Jesus Christ.
In Christ,