Sunday is going to be a great day! During the first part of second service we will have five who will declare their faith through baptism. These are always great times of faith-building encouragement and blessing. Even if you attend one of the other services you might want to slip in for that part of the service. In all three services we will hear from Kristen Foster about God’s blessing in her recent trip to Tanzania. Don’t miss it!
In our study we will have a great time in a detailed look at baptism and how we will see it in action in the lives of those being baptized. I think you will be greatly encouraged at a fresh look at this important act of faith.
Summer Specials are Wednesday @ 6 pm
Join us for a great roast beef dinner ($6 adults – $1 kids under 10). Our study will focus on the Christian urban myth, “Forgiving Means Forgetting.” Whether you join us for the study or enjoy a relaxing time around the tables, it makes for a great evening together. – We will be looking at more Christian urban myths that need to be dispelled!
Special clean-up note. If you, your ABF or Small Group would like to volunteer for a week to help with clean-up after dinner, please contact the church office at info@chapelcity.church and let Barbara know. It’s a great chance to get to know others on the team.
Child Dedication July 26th
If you are interested in dedicating your children to the Lord please contact Jim as soon as possible. Child dedication is scheduled for the 26th,
I’m praying for a great day Sunday.
In Christ,