The Sunday Update | September 13, 2015

The Sunday Update | September 13, 2015

September 13th

Sunday we turn to the most unwilling prophet – Jonah. He goes against almost every image that we have of prophets. When the call of God came, he ran the other way. But it wasn’t out of fear; there was something else driving his actions. If you want to get a preview of this startling study, take about 15-20 minutes to read through this book. We will look at the tragedy of God’s work not through a person, but in spite of him.

Announcements & Updates

Church Information Class

We already have a number who have expressed interest in our church information class on Sunday, 9/13 at 6 pm. If you are interested in becoming a member or would like to know more about the church, please be sure to be there! Childcare is provided.

Sermon-based Small Groups coming the week of September 20th!

We’re looking forward to our small group start up the week of September 20th. We have a couple of new groups starting and are looking forward to a great fall quarter. Sign ups are September 13th and 20th so be on the lookout for more information!

New Elder Nomination & Church Business Meeting

The 2014-2015 nominating committee appointed by the congregation last September has worked over the summer to replace Ken Wenzel who stepped down to accept the position of Church Administrator. The nominating committee will submit Walter Lopatka for ratification by the congregation at the September 27, 2015 church business meeting. If ratified, Walter will complete Ken’s term from October 2015 through April 2017.

Sunday we will see a prime example of God’s grace and how he reaches out to the most unlikely people. Be in prayer that God will give us a renewed sense of his grace to a world that so desperately needs it.

In Christ,


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