September 20th
God speaks, we listen – sort of. It has been a problem since the earliest of days that people of faith often don’t take God seriously. People hear what they want to hear, and even then only halfheartedly respond. The ministry of Micah shows us how important taking God seriously is. God spoke clearly yet people sought after the voices that would calm their fears rather than shake them toward repentance.
As we look into the book of Micah on Sunday, I am praying for a day of great encouragement as we see clearly what God wants from us and the great benefits that come from following him. Read two key passages to set the tone for the seriousness of listening to God, and the blessings of his mercy to restore us: Micah 1:1-7 and Micah 7:18-20.
Announcements & Updates
From the Board of Elders – Jim’s 30th Anniversary Celebration
Sunday is the last Sunday to purchase tickets for Jim’s 30th celebration. You can also call Brenda Brueckner at 805-388-1157 or email her at to reserve tickets. She needs to have a final count by September 24th.
Sermon-based Small Groups coming the week of September 20th!
We’re looking forward to our small group start up the week of September 20th. We have a couple of new groups starting and are looking forward to a great fall quarter. Sign ups are September 13th and 20th so be on the lookout for more information!
New Elder Nomination & Church Business Meeting
The 2014-2015 nominating committee appointed by the congregation last September has worked over the summer to replace Ken Wenzel who stepped down to accept the position of Church Administrator. The nominating committee will submit Walter Lopatka for ratification by the congregation at the September 27, 2015 church business meeting. If ratified, Walter will complete Ken’s term from October 2015 through April 2017.
Elder Update
Be sure to read the Elder Update you received for important information from the board regarding our name change and our upcoming business meeting.
We hope to see you there!
God’s justice and his mercy stand as bookends to Micah’s prophecy. We can never fully appreciate one without the other. I am praying that Sunday will lead to a new sense of resolve in our lives to take seriously our walk with God and our relationship to Jesus Christ.
In Christ,