Dear Chapel City Church Members and Attendees,
We had an excellent forum last Sunday night treating our finances at Chapel City Church and a proposal put forward by the Elder Board regarding restructuring our staff. I estimate that there were more than 100 people in attendance. There was a good interchange of ideas and a number of issues were raised for consideration.
We asked for additional feedback from the congregation and have received eight responses. They were well thought out and helpful. The board met on Tuesday night for a debrief and had a good meeting. The board heard some of the issues that were raised and is making a modification to the original proposal as a result.
A number of the comments on Sunday evening as well as some of the responses suggested that the congregation needed more time to mull over the plan to come to a reasoned response. The board agreed with this conclusion. In order to allow the congregation time without feeling pressured, we will have at least a brief time at the business meeting on Sunday night (1/29) to revisit the issue without the pressure of a decision. The Board then will call a special business meeting for Sunday night, February 19th to vote. This gives three weeks to ask questions.
Once again, I want to express the board’s thanks for your interest and your participation in this process. We feel that responding to questions and giving you the information you need will help us discern the Lord’s direction in this important matter.
We hope to see you Sunday night for a time of rejoicing as we welcome three fine new members into Chapel City Church, and anticipating God’s blessing here.
In Christ,
Pastor Jim