Living in the Light of the Glory of Christ

Living in the Light of the Glory of Christ

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.)

As we come into a new year, we come into a season of new things. We have new goals, new resolutions, new habits that we hope to start that will bring change in our lives. As a church, we are moving into a new series. We will be working through Paul’s letter to the Colossians in the coming months. The title for this series is “Living in Light of the Glory of Christ.” The gospel that we respond to, the gospel that we preach, is not new. It is the story of how the holy God of Creation saved lost sinners through the death of Jesus Christ, and the hope of eternal life in Him because of His resurrection. But that glorious gospel ought to have ongoing effect in our lives. Paul reminds the Colossian church of the glory of Christ, and then he reminds them that their lives must be lived out in worship. We need the same reminder. We pray that this year will see great growth in the life of our church. We pray that God would grow us in maturity, that He would continue to make us more like Him. We pray that the gospel would be powerfully preached, both in church as we gather and through each individual believer as they go out from here. And we pray that our whole lives would be seen as worship to great God and Savior, Jesus Christ!

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints, because of the hope laid up for you in heaven.  Colossians 1:3-5a


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