Sermons by Jim Larson
Called to Serve
Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We hope that as we sing, study, and fellowship together that you are encouraged in your walk with Christ. We would love to answer any questions that you might have, and to know how we can be praying for you. Today we seek to understand and hopefully, simplify the concept of what it takes to live…
Living Wisely in Difficult Times
There aren’t too many people who will be sorry to see 2020 in the rearview mirror. We’ve been getting hit from so many sides at once and feel like we can’t take another blow – but they just keep coming. We need wisdom to know how we should live in the midst of it all. Fortunately, wise living isn’t something that is reserved only for sages or…
The Grateful Samaritan
We’re glad you’re here to worship with us this morning. We’re entering into a season of holidays that can be uplifting and spiritually rewarding, or they can be just another tradition. We want to pour real meaning into Thanksgiving and make it a part of our lives. We’ll see today how sincere gratitude reflects the heart of people who are being…
From My Heart to Yours – Part 2
(Click on “Save” above to download sermon) It’s a unique Sunday celebrating God’s faithfulness and a relationship with our pastor that spans 33 years. As we sing, pray, and hear God’s word, we hope this will be an experience to see God’s hand in his church, and also to rejoice in God’s work in our own lives. We come to worship God today – great is HIS…
From My Heart to Yours
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) We worship God who has poured out so many incredible mercies on us that offering anything less than our entire selves would be ungrateful. Our faith, rooted in the incarnation, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, has the ultimate moral authority as well as the effective power to transform our…
Live and Let Live
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) Today we celebrate the work of God in the lives of people through seeing his unique work in individuals. He brings us along and asks us to love and serve him, listening to his voice and responding to his direction. We worship God who knows us by name and calls us to step out from the crowd and follow him.…
Shine like the Stars in the Sky
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) We can come tired, discouraged and worn out but God can lift our hearts and our hope in Jesus Christ. As we worship together, encourage one another, hear God’s word and respond to God’s touch, we’re praying that God will give us that thankful heart that sees him in every situation and changes our heart. Do…
Everything By the Book
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) It’s our goal to worship God in Spirit and in truth. We worship in Spirit because we don’t just want a momentary effect that we generate; we want God-inspired worship that transforms. We worship in truth because we want it based on the truth of God’s word that he has given us; not just our own perceptions.…
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) We worship God who calls us and brings us into his family. We praise him because he accepts us and gives us all that we need for a godly life. Yet we also praise him because he calls on us to participate with him in this great adventure. Through him we become effective and productive in life and fulfilled…
The Good Shepherds
When life get really hard, you need models to follow. Those models are people whose example produces calm instead of panic, peace instead of strife, and godly responses instead of worldly reactions. Good models are not born; they’re developed through careful, disciplined living and spiritual leadership. They understand that spiritual modeling is built on influence,…
Don’t Be Surprised!
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) Bad days will come for each one of us, and the more we’ve thought these things through ahead of time, the better prepared we’ll be when tragedy strikes or struggles emerge.” (Blackstock) Sunday we get prepared for that shocking moment when deeply embedded Christian principles move from…
Enough is Enough
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) There comes a time when we look at our lives and say “enough is enough! It’s time for a change.” Stormy times in life call for those decisions. If we fail to make those commitments we get stuck in frustration, self-pity, or bad habits. We’ll have a good time…