Sermons by John Price
Heaven is More Than a Wonderful Place
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church, whether you are able to worship here in person or take the opportunity to watch at home. You are an important part of our body, even if you aren’t able to return yet to worship with us physically. We are in the middle of a series about the Gospel of Matthew. The theme of that gospel is the Kingdom of God. We are…
The Essentials: Discipleship
We are in the middle of a series of messages that work through the Mission, Core Values, and Strategies of our church. Sometimes, the things that we do as a church seem disconnected. Our core values are the things that should tie all of them together. This week, we will look at the third of our core values: discipleship. If we judge by their actions, many church members…
The Lord & His Anointed
In his introduction to the series on the psalms several weeks ago, Pastor Matt reminded us that the theme of all the psalms is Jesus Christ himself. But beyond this general theme, some psalms provide us with specific prophecies about the coming Messiah. We know they are about Messiah because either Jesus quotes them about himself or other New Testament writers quote them…
The Folly of Man-Made Religion
Today, we will begin by going back to the last two verses of the passage from last week. These two verses are the pivot point of the book and are worth a second look. Last week, Matt talked about the results we should see in our lives because we have received Christ Jesus as Lord. This week, we will focus on the truth that Jesus is enough for us. We don’t know all the…
Transformed from Dread to Joy
(Please click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) Last week, Patrick taught us about the miracle of water to wine. Seeing wine created at a wedding is exciting, but we don’t spend most of our lives at celebrations. We live in a world that drags us down with daily cares. That’s why today’s message is so important. The father has the same cares that…
Surviving with Class
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon.) Sometimes we feel so beat up that if we just manage to survive, that will be enough – but it isn’t. God wants us to thrive. He wants us to do it with passion, with strength, and even to gain an optimistic gaze toward the future. We were called “to more than just survive – we…
The Light Shines in the Darkness
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) I read recently that some people thought it strange, even unhealthy that Jesus actually communicates with people today. Two things came to mind: one is “How sad is that?” to be so completely on your own that you have no resources beyond yourself to give you guidance, support,…