Palm Sunday
The King Who Came &
is Coming Again
Thank you for joining us for our time of corporate worship here at Chapel City Church. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are reminded of the day that he entered into the city of Jerusalem. He came in humility, riding on the colt of a donkey. He came to…
Weary, Waiting, & Worshipping
This is the time of year when we celebrate the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. It was a time of longing and expectation. After centuries of waiting, it seemed as though the deliverer had finally come to Jerusalem! But it wasn’t the kind of deliverer that the people expected. And by the end of the week the shouts of “Hosanna to the Son of David” gave way to…
The King Comes into His City
As we come into our “new normal,” this week we are confronted with celebrating very traditional times in a very non-traditional way. We will celebrate the Lord’s Supper together, although we cannot physically be together. We will remember Palm Sunday and the entry of Christ into Jerusalem, but we cannot be together to sing His praise. Perhaps this will give us…