Sermons on 2 Kings

Sermons on 2 Kings

I’m a Christian… Now What?

Welcome to Chapel City Church!  We are glad you have come to worship with us.  Our youth group just returned from Summer Camp.  We rejoice that some students have professed faith in the Lord Jesus for the first time, and a number more have committed to more diligently follow him!  After coming to Jesus some natural questions are, “What does it mean to follow Jesus?  I…

Spiritual Housecleaning

We sometimes walk into our garage and see it through fresh eyes. How did we gather so much clutter that is choking our space? It’s too bad that we don’t have that revelation more often when it comes to our spiritual lives. We’ve gathered so much spiritual junk that it’s hard just to get through the day with a positive attitude, let alone lead productive lives. Sunday we…