Sermons on Anticipation
Your Kingdom Come…
Good morning, and welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. Today we will come to the end of the Book of Zechariah as we near the end of our journey through the Minor Prophets. This wonderful book concludes with a sweeping picture of the Lord as a king coming to establish his kingdom. On that day, he will overcome the hatred of his people Israel and…
The King Who Came &
is Coming Again
Thank you for joining us for our time of corporate worship here at Chapel City Church. As we prepare our hearts to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are reminded of the day that he entered into the city of Jerusalem. He came in humility, riding on the colt of a donkey. He came to…
A New Song for the New Year
Happy New Year, and welcome to Chapel City Church. The new year is a time of looking back and looking forward. We reflect on the year that has passed, and we rejoice in all that God has done. We look forward to a year where we make our plans, but trust that the Lord will guide our steps. As we come together on a day of transition from one year to another, it’s…
Expecting the Unexpected
As we come to the concluding verses of Matthew 24, Jesus has begun to address the timing of his return. Although he does not give details about the day or the hour, he does indicate that people will be caught off guard. The instruction given to his disciples, and to disciples of every age, is to wait for his coming with eager anticipation. But how do we live in readiness…
Anticipating the King
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today. Christmas is in the rearview mirror, and that brings out all kinds of responses. Some people are relieved that the hurry and the stress are behind them. Some will keep the Christmas carols going and the lights up for as long as possible. And some people wonder what they…
The King has Come
Merry Christmas, and welcome to Chapel City Church! This time of year is filled with reminders of what God has done. More than carols and comfort, more than family and tradition, we are reminded that the exalted Son of God took on flesh to redeem sinners. The greatest became the least, and in the most humble circumstances the Christ came into his creation. But…
Great is the Lord
(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) Today, our service will look a little bit different than normal, but for very good reason. Churches go through seasons of change. Over the past year, this body has seen the retirement of Pastor Jim who was a faithful shepherd for over 30 years. We have said goodbye to Pastor Patrick as he and his family…