The King & His Kingdom
The King’s Commission
Good morning and welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. Whether this is your first time or your church home, we hope that you are encouraged in your faith and challenged to live in obedience to Christ! Today we will come to the end of Matthew’s gospel. For over two years, we have been exposed to the truth of who Jesus Christ is. He is the…
He is Risen!
Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We would love to know how we can come alongside you, no matter where you are in life. If there’s a way that we can be praying for you, please use the connection cards to let us know, or stop by our prayer room after service. As we continue our study of Matthew’s gospel today, we…
With a Rich Man in His Death
Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! As we worship together this morning, we pray that your faith is strengthened, and that you find encouragement and conviction as we study God’s Word together. As we open up Matthew’s gospel once again, we come to the narrative of the burial of Jesus Christ. It’s a portion of the story that we tend to…
The Work of the Cross
Good morning, and welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We would love the opportunity to get to know you, answer any questions that you have, and understand how we can be praying for you. Last week we looked at the final hours of Christ on the cross. As the Son bears the wrath of God in place of his people, the work of redemption is done. A new and…
The Suffering Servant
Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. Last week, Dr. Behle helped us understand the reality of the cross of Christ. The gospel message continually reminds us that sin has a cost, and that by the grace of God Christ defeated death so that we might live. However, something changes roughly three hours into the crucifixion.…
The Death of Death
in the Death of Jesus Christ
Welcome to Chapel City Church – Welcome to our time of corporate worship here at Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you have joined us, and would love the opportunity to answer any questions that you might have. We would also like to know how we can be praying specifically for you, so please…
The Exchange
Welcome to our time of corporate worship here at Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you have joined us, and would love the opportunity to answer any questions that you might have. We would also like to know how we can be praying specifically for you, so please reach out through the comment cards, an email, or a phone call and let us know! As we move closer to the…
Rejection & Remorse
Good morning, and welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. Last week we looked at the unjust trial of Jesus Christ before the religious leaders of Israel. Despite the lies, the Son maintained perfect obedience. He was silent, even as scripture prophesied that he would be. And when asked specifically about who he was, he spoke the only true testimony…
Oppressed, Afflicted, & Silent
As we move through Matthew 26, we have come to the first of Jesus’ trials. From an earthly perspective, nothing seems to be right with this situation. It’s a trial in the wrong place at the wrong time, and carried out in the wrong way. Rather than truth, we see injustice after injustice. But Christ remains in control. He is not bullied or intimidated. He is not afraid…
Into the Hands of Sinner
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us. This week, we say goodbye to our middle and high school students as they leave for summer camp. This is a great reminder to be in prayer for them. Pray that the time away would allow them to focus on their relationship with the Lord. Pray that those who do not know Christ…
The Cup of the King
Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church! We are glad that you are here, and we would love the opportunity to get to know you and to answer any questions that you might have. Today we will come to the Garden of Gethsemane in Matthew 26. It’s here in the quiet setting of a familiar garden that a battle for the souls of men will take…
The Peril of Spiritual Pride
Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you’ve joined us for our time of corporate worship today. If you have any questions or specific items that we can pray for, please reach out and let us know. This week we will move on in Matthew 26 and look at the danger of spiritual pride. The disciples are still struggling to understand all that…