Sermons on Christmas (Page 2)

Sermons on Christmas (Page 2)

The Visitors

A hero is someone who is admired or idealized for outstanding achievements, courage, or noble qualities. If we look at the story of the birth of Jesus, we find those titles apply to some that we might tend to overlook if we don’t know the whole story. Read Luke 2 and Matthew 2, and you’ll find some incredible people who overcame a lot to be there to celebrate…

Seeking That Which Lasts

(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon and notes.) Sunday is a “bridge Sunday” as we transition out of crucial life-altering commitment in Joshua and into a Christmas celebration. We’ll set the tone with a meaningful communion service and a study on Seeking that which Lasts centering on John 6:25-40. As we look ahead to…

The Gospel According to Mary

Sunday as our youngest worshipers become the messengers opening up our Christmas celebration. They’ll sing at both services and then encore the presentation at 5 pm. Your heart will be blessed! Remembering Christ’s birth is important. We do not superstitiously observe days merely as days, but as reminders of important facts. Christmas can be celebrated on any…
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