Securely Snatched

Securely Snatched

We are so glad that you will be worshipping with us this week. While we don’t know what the timetable looks like, we do know that we are one week closer to meeting in person once again. We know that many of you are eager to come back together, and we also know that many of you are anxious about what that will look like. We ask that the body be praying fervently and continually for this process. Please pray for wisdom on behalf of the re-opening task force and the elder board. Pray for grace and patience within the body. Pray that, above all, God would be glorified through our individual and corporate responses. We have the honor of hosting a special guest this week. Mark Rutuna was a pastor in East Africa before coming to California to further his ministry training. He will share from Colossians 1 about the wonder of our salvation. It will be a timely and encouraging message that reminds us of our eternal priorities. In a shaky and fallen world, the gospel gleams a ray of eternal hope through the darkness. As God draws sinners to Himself, we are truly changed. The King makes us fit for His kingdom! We would love to know how we can be praying for you or ministering to you during this time. Please reach out and let us know!

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son… Colossians 1:13

Click here for this week’s sermon notes and small group questions.


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