God's Blueprint for the Church
Guarding the Gates
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon notes) Sunday we return for one final but important look at God’s Blueprint for the Church in 1 Timothy 6:11-21. We’ll see overarching themes that govern the flow of our lives – not just the direction for the moment. This message also sets the stage for our Christmas season as it lifts our vision…
Godliness & Contentment
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon notes) It makes sense that this would lead us to a satisfying lifestyle. But what happens when it’s missing? Patrick explores the reality that this is not just a positive addition to our lives. The absence of godliness with contentment leads to serious consequences. As he opens up 1 Timothy 6:2b-10…
(Click on “Save” above to download this week’s sermon notes) Honor is sadly lacking in our society yet it is a biblical principle. We are losing the ability to respect people who are different than we are or those who are in authority. As Patrick opens up 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2 you’ll see the profound role that honor plays in relationships and how it…
Building Godly Relationships
Building Godly Relationships in the church is a tough task for everyone, but especially leaders. We are called to love those who are like us and those who are different. This important passage gives us guidelines for speaking and caring for those around us in a world where it is easy to be misunderstood. 1 Timothy 5:1-16 opens the eyes of a young pastor and points him…
Embrace God’s Call for You
Embracing God’s call for you can be an intimidating proposition if you think the task is too big or you are too small. Half way through Paul’s letter, Timothy probably felt that way. Sunday we’ll look at what’s required if you are going to step into service for God in spite of your misgivings and what you need to know if you’re going to be…
Mysterious Simplicity
Mysterious Simplicity Whether we’re thinking about what to look for in leaders or general qualities of godliness in ourselves, we tend to over complicate things and thereby lose sight of the obvious. As we continue with God’s Blueprint for the Church, 1 Timothy 3:14-4:5, gives a solid foundation upon which godliness is built. For everything created by God is…
It Matters Who You Follow
It Matters Who You Follow. What qualities should we look for in leaders? It is so important because in our world, and even in our churches there are many voices vying for our loyalty. Paul speaks to his young protege, serving in a church with many desiring to be leaders. In 1 Timothy 3:1-13 he gives important qualifications that should be set. The saying is trustworthy:…
Looking for Something to Agree On
We often ignore the things we agree on and fight over the obscure things. 1 Timothy 2:8-15 opens up many thorny questions, strong emotions and cultural minefields that we need to address. Yet there are also clear statements that we tend to ignore. Sunday I’m praying that God will open our hearts to be the prioritized people he has called us to be. I desire then that in…
Pray For Who?
Pray for Who?? If there was ever a passage that seemed to be written for today it’s 1 Timothy 2:1-7. Many are worried and wondering how we should live in our current day. It’s a similar dilemma that faced first century Christians. We’ll see how Paul’s instructions give us a perspective that moves beyond the moment and moves to an eternal viewpoint.…
Hold the Line
HOLDING THE LINE, staying the course, finishing well are phrases in our vocabulary because it is so tough to do. Examples are all around us of people who started out well in life, in marriage, in faith, or in so many other endeavors but got tripped up. Sunday Paul challenges Timothy (and us) to stay the course and gives us resources to do so. Be here for this great…
Unlikely People in Unlikely Churches
God’s Blueprint for the Church involves people. We would only use the finest materials; but God chooses the unlikely to make something beautiful. We’ll see how God takes people as they are, puts us all together and makes a church that is truly beautiful. You may feel like unusable material; but come and see how God can use you for his glory! Read ahead to get prepared. (1…
When the Bible Isn’t Your Friend
A hard church in the middle of a hard society is left in the hands of a young pastor. What is he to do? He needs real guidance just to survive! Paul, a wise mentor tells Timothy – and us – how we can not just use the Bible, but how we can use it well. At this important time in the life of Chapel City Church, we stop to remind ourselves of what’s…