Sermons on Parable
The King’s Invitation
Last week we finished Matthew 21 with a look at two parables that demonstrated the rejection of Jesus by the religious leaders. It’s important for us to remember that the chapter breaks in our bibles, while helpful, can sometimes separate things that go together. Chapter 22 opens with a third parable that Jesus gave on that occasion, and the three are all…
Parable Postcards: Mysteries of the Kingdom Revealed
We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. As we go through Matthew 13, we are learning from Christ as he teaches the Kingdom Parables. The first two that we worked through were longer, and each one came with an explanation given to the disciples about what it meant. This week, we…
The Kingdom is Like… Part 3: Wheat & Weeds
This week we will be working through the second of the kingdom parables of Matthew 13. Jesus will use a picture of wheat and weeds to show his disciples how both the wicked and the righteous “grow up” together for now. However, there is a time coming when the righteous judge will…