Sermons on Obedience
James: Faith in Action
Welcome to Chapel City Church! As we turn the calendar over to a new year, we also turn the pages of our bible to the study of a new book. For the next few months, we will work our way through the Book of James. This wonderful, practical book shows us what real faith looks like. It’s more than understanding a collection of theological facts. It’s more than…
Humility, Holiness, & Hope
This week we will finish our journey through the book of First Peter. We are temporary residents, strangers and sojourners, in a world that is not our home. We long for the coming of Christ and entering into our eternal inheritance. And Peter finishes this letter to the scattered churches with some closing thoughts. He will remind them of the call to humility. He will…
This week we will open 1 Peter chapter 4 and be reminded of what we look forward to. Living as strangers and sojourners in a world that is not our home can seem daunting. When we suffer for living in obedience to Christ, we might be tempted to give up or move toward despair. But Peter reminds his audience of a certain future that lies ahead of them. Sin will not always…
Strangers & Sojourners, part 2
Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! We hope that as you worship with us today you will be strengthened in your faith and blessed by the believers that you gather together with. If you have a question about the church, about the sermon, or about a particular ministry, we would love to hear from you. If there’s a way that we can be praying for your…
Good for Goodness Sake?
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us today. We have been working through the book of Galatians for the last several months, and we are coming close to the end. As he draws his letter to a close, Paul is reminding his readers what it practically looks like to live a life in the power of the Spirit. Last time, we saw how we are called to…
The Normal Christian Life, Part 4
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are glad that you have joined us for our time of worship. We would like to know how we can be praying for you. One way to let us know is through the connection card in your bulletin. Another way is to talk with a member of our prayer team right after the service. Either way, we want to be a body that lifts each other up in prayer! This…
The Normal Christian Life, part 3
Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you are here! We would love to answer any questions that you have about who we are, what we believe, or what ministry looks like here. We would also like to know how we can be praying for you specifically. This week we are back in the Book of Galatians and continuing to work…
The Normal Christian Life, part 1
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us. We are moving through the Book of Galatians, and the last few weeks have been spent looking at those things that are produced when we walk in the power of the flesh. Strife, enmities, anger, all of those sinful byproducts of the love of self. But Paul began chapter 5 by…
The Fruit of the Flesh, part 2
Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us for worship today. As we continue to work our way through Galatians 5, we are going to encounter the next group of “Fruits of the Flesh.” This week we will look at those things that the flesh produces that are failures to love others well. These include sins like anger that are typically against an…
The Fight for Freedom
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we open God’s word to Galatians 5, we will continue to think through what it means to live in the freedom that Christ has given us. Last week we saw that our freedom was not for selfish gain, but that it was an opportunity to serve others in love. But where do we get the ability to do that? If our flesh…
For Freedom’s Sake
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so thankful that you have joined us for our time of worship together this morning. We would love to get to know you, to answer any questions that you have, and to know how we can be praying for you. Please feel free to reach out to the church office! For the first four chapters of Galatians, Paul has built up his theological case for…
Why Are We Here?
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are on the threshold of another year, and it’s a wonderful time to consider all that God has done for us. Through joy and sorrow, plenty and need, he has sustained and provided for us as individuals and as a church. But what does it mean to be a church? What are we supposed to do? What are we supposed to be? As we step into 2024, we…