Sermons on The Flesh

Sermons on The Flesh

The Fruit of the Flesh, part 2

Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us for worship today. As we continue to work our way through Galatians 5, we are going to encounter the next group of “Fruits of the Flesh.” This week we will look at those things that the flesh produces that are failures to love others well. These include sins like anger that are typically against an…

The Fruit of the Flesh

Thank you for joining us for our time of corporate worship together here at Chapel City Church! We would love the opportunity to get to know you, to answer any questions that you might have, and to know how we can be praying for you specifically. As we continue to work through Galatians chapter 5, we are going to see the divide between the Spirit and the flesh. Last week…

The Fight for Freedom

Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we open God’s word to Galatians 5, we will continue to think through what it means to live in the freedom that Christ has given us. Last week we saw that our freedom was not for selfish gain, but that it was an opportunity to serve others in love. But where do we get the ability to do that? If our flesh…