Sermons on Revelation
The End in the Beginning
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today. As we move into the Advent season, we are filled with a certain anticipation. We know that Christmas is coming, so we decorate our homes, we sing familiar songs, and we buy gifts for those that we love. But there is a greater anticipation that we as believers are called to…
Jesus Christ, Our Living Hope
Welcome to Chapel City Church! Today we celebrate the high point of our year, the cornerstone of our Christian faith. Today, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Our songs are joyful, and rightly so. Our hearts are lifted to hope and thanksgiving, and rightly so! And today, we want to take time to reflect on this Jesus that we worship. When he came to the earth…
2020 Christmas Eve
Join us as we focus on Christ this holiday season!
Heaven is More Than a Wonderful Place
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church, whether you are able to worship here in person or take the opportunity to watch at home. You are an important part of our body, even if you aren’t able to return yet to worship with us physically. We are in the middle of a series about the Gospel of Matthew. The theme of that gospel is the Kingdom of God. We are…