Sermons on Promise
The End in the Beginning
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today. As we move into the Advent season, we are filled with a certain anticipation. We know that Christmas is coming, so we decorate our homes, we sing familiar songs, and we buy gifts for those that we love. But there is a greater anticipation that we as believers are called to…
The Purpose of the Law
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you’ve joined us for worship this morning. We would love to know how we can be in prayer for you and your family. Please take the time to update one of the connection cards in your bulletin, and drop it off in the offering box or hand it to an usher. After a brief break for Good Friday and Easter, we are back in the…
Israel: Rescued & Refined
Welcome to Chapel City Church. Whether this is your church home, or you are worshipping with us for the first time, we are glad that you are here! We would love the opportunity to answer any questions that you might have, or to know how we can be specifically praying for you. This week we will be in Zechariah 12 and 13. As we move into the final oracle of the book, we see…
The Good Shepherd: Revealed & Rejected
Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. This Sunday we will continue working though the oracles that close the book of Zechariah. The first one is found in chapters 9,10, and 11. Last week in chapter 9 we saw the promise of two kings who would come. One came in judgment, the other came in perfection. This week, we will work through chapters 9 and 10…
The Lord Remembers: Prophetic Pictures, part 1
Thank you for joining us here at Chapel City Church. We would love to know how we can be praying for you, so please feel free to reach out to us with any specific needs or requests. As we move through the rest of Zechariah 1 today, we will encounter the first two visions that God gives his prophet.…
The Lord Remembers
Welcome to Chapel City Church. As we come together to sing, to study, and to minister to one another, we want to know how we can be praying for you! Please reach out to us with any questions or prayer requests. As we open God’s word together this morning, we will begin working our way through the book of Zechariah. Although he is one of the longest of the minor…
Consider Your Ways, Part 2: Pitfalls on the Path
Thank you for being with us today. Here at Chapel City Church, we gather together to worship our great God through song, study, giving, and serving one another. If you have any questions, or if there is a way that we can be praying for you specifically, please reach out and let us know. Today…
From Guilt to Glory: Christmas in July
Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you’ve joined us for our time of worship this morning. We are working our way through the Minor Prophets; a series of short books with major truths that we need to understand. As we come to Micah 5, we are in one of the few well-known passages from this understudied book. We have seen that Jerusalem will come…
Anticipating the Advent: The Joy of the Lord
Welcome to Chapel City Church! Whether you are a member, a regular attender, or a first-time guest, we are so glad that you are here. During this advent season, we are taking time to prepare our hearts to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The incarnation of the Son of God is more than a…
I Will Build My Church: Part 9 – The Church’s Hope
Happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to Chapel City Church! We are glad that you are with us today, and we hope that this week has given you the chance to pause and thank God for the blessings that you enjoy. We are a forgetful people, and it is easy to allow our circumstances to rob us of the hope that…
With a Rich Man in His Death
Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church! As we worship together this morning, we pray that your faith is strengthened, and that you find encouragement and conviction as we study God’s Word together. As we open up Matthew’s gospel once again, we come to the narrative of the burial of Jesus Christ. It’s a portion of the story that we tend to…
The Time of His Coming
Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us for worship today. We have been working through Matthew 24 as Jesus explains to his disciples the things that must happen before he establishes his kingdom. He has explained that there are a number of signs that will accompany his coming and the end of the age. But the disciples also want to know when…