Sermons on Expectation

Sermons on Expectation

Working While Waiting

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us for our time of corporate worship today. In our study of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus is concluding with parables that there will be a delay before his returns, but that return is coming at a day and hour that nobody knows.  He implores his disciples to be prepared.  In the…

A Picture of Preparation

Good morning and welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you have joined us for our time of corporate worship today. As we continue through the Olivet Discourse, we have seen Jesus use parables to illustrate the unknown timing of his return. Although the signs will be present, the Son will come in power and glory at a day and hour known only to the Father.…

Expecting the Unexpected

As we come to the concluding verses of Matthew 24, Jesus has begun to address the timing of his return. Although he does not give details about the day or the hour, he does indicate that people will be caught off guard. The instruction given to his disciples, and to disciples of every age, is to wait for his coming with eager anticipation. But how do we live in readiness…