Sermons on Justice (Page 2)

Sermons on Justice (Page 2)

The Line of the King

We are glad that you have come to worship with us today. We are just getting underway in our study of the Gospel of Matthew. Last week we went through some introductory material, and we looked at the first group of names in Matthew’s genealogy. We saw that Jesus Christ was the promised son of David, a promise that looked for a king who would rule and reign as no…

Prepare Him Room: Joy

As we continue to “Prepare Him Room” during this advent season, this week we look at the joy that comes in the promise of a savior. As we have done the last couple of weeks, we will take a promise made in the Old Testament and understand how it relates to the Christmas season. When Isaiah speaks of hope, peace, and joy, he does so in a specific context. It’s…

Putting Our Sin to Death

There is good news and bad news this week. The good news is that the passage that we are studying is fairly easy to understand. The language is clear, the words are recognizable, and the flow of thought is very consistent. The bad news is that there is no mistaking what this passage says about sin, and about our involvement in that sin. This week, we look at “Putting Sin…
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