Sermons on Worship (Page 4)

Sermons on Worship (Page 4)

Transformed from Death to Life

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) In a week where we set aside time to be thankful, we want you to know that we are thankful for YOU! If you are a visitor, thank you for making time to worship with us. If you have any questions about who we are or what we do here, then we would love to connect with you. If you are a regular attendee or…

Transformed from Blindness to Sight

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) The past week or so has been a difficult time for many of us. We have seen tragedy and terror strike close to home. We have seen fires and all of the uncertainty that comes with natural disaster. And yet, as we saw last week, we are called to be a people who are faithful rather than fearful. That kind of…

Transformed from Fearful to Faithful

(Click “SAVE” above to download the sermon and notes.) There are times when even the strongest of us become fearful. The fear might come because of outside circumstances; uncertainty at work, political unrest, or upheaval in our relationships. But fear might come in silently and internally as well; the fear of the unknown, the nagging of insecurity, or the…

Transformed from Bondage to Freedom

Click “SAVE” to download the sermon and notes. Today we will see how Jesus never shied away from interacting with the hurt, sick, or troubled. Unlike other teachers of his day, he made it a point to share the love of God with the “unlovable” in order to display the transforming power he offers all people. The power to transform people out of their…

Spiritual Housecleaning

We sometimes walk into our garage and see it through fresh eyes. How did we gather so much clutter that is choking our space? It’s too bad that we don’t have that revelation more often when it comes to our spiritual lives. We’ve gathered so much spiritual junk that it’s hard just to get through the day with a positive attitude, let alone lead productive lives. Sunday we…