Sermons from September 2021

Sermons from September 2021

Debts & Debtors

Welcome to Chapel City Church! Thank you for joining us as we gather together to worship Jesus Christ, our savior and king. As we have worked through Mathew 18, we have seen disciples compared to children and to sheep. Both of those ought to lead us to live lives of consistent humility. And over the last couple of weeks, we looked at how necessary that humility was as we…

The Heart Behind the Hard Things

Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship together today. Last week we looked at a passage that was easy to understand but very difficult to apply. Discipline is not something that we normally think of as encouraging and uplifting. However, we have to remember that discipline is both instructive and corrective. In…

Seeking the Strays

As we study Matthew’s gospel in our corporate worship service, we will continue to work our way through chapter 18. This week we come to a passage that is both familiar and difficult; the instructions for how the church deals with sin in the body. We tend to think of discipline in terms of punishment or negative consequences. Those are pieces of discipline that have…

A Love for the Little Ones

We are so glad that you are joining us on this very special Sunday. As we continue working through Matthew 18, we come to a very familiar parable of a man who leaves 99 sheep in order to seek out the 1 that was lost. But this is more than a sweet story. This is a powerful reminder of the love of God for his “little ones.” How does understanding this parable…