Sermons from 2021

Sermons from 2021

Anticipating the King

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship today. Christmas is in the rearview mirror, and that brings out all kinds of responses. Some people are relieved that the hurry and the stress are behind them. Some will keep the Christmas carols going and the lights up for as long as possible. And some people wonder what they…

He Who is Mighty

Merry Christmas, and welcome to Chapel City Church! Tonight, we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But this is so much more than the story of an overlooked baby born into obscurity. It’s more than angels and shepherds, more than wisemen and their gifts. This is when we remember the fact that the God of all creation sent his son into the world. The infinite and…

The King has Come

Merry Christmas, and welcome to Chapel City Church! This time of year is filled with reminders of what God has done. More than carols and comfort, more than family and tradition, we are reminded that the exalted Son of God took on flesh to redeem sinners. The greatest became the least, and in the most humble circumstances the Christ came into his creation. But…

A Light in the Darkness

Thank you for joining us here at Chapel City Church. We come together to worship the Lord, and Matthew’s gospel has helped us understand who Jesus is in a powerful way. As we move toward Christmas on the calendar, we are moving closer to the cross in Matthew. The final verses of Matthew 20 have Jesus leaving Jericho, and into the most familiar scene a most…

When Worldviews Collide

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are so glad that you have joined us today for our time of worship. As we continue working through Matthew 20, we are going to be confronted with two very different worldviews. We know that as disciples of Christ, we are supposed to think and react differently than others. However, many times our thinking looks a lot like the world around…

The Church

Welcome to Chapel City Church! We are thankful that you have joined us for our time of worship today. This is a week where many of us have gathered together with family and friends to remember how much we have to be grateful for. We remember that our greatest gift is salvation through the finished work of Jesus Christ. But one of the wonderful blessings that comes with…

Kingdom Reward

Thank you for joining us here at Chapel City Church. We hope that you will reach out with any questions that you might have, or let us know how we can be ministering to you during this time. As we come to the end of Matthew 19, Peter asks a question that might seem inappropriate. “Lord, what is there for us?” He had just seen a rich young man refuse to…

Coming into the Kingdom

Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are so glad that you have joined us for our time of worship this morning. We are moving back into Matthew 19 where the focus turns to the coming kingdom. Jesus has preached about the kingdom that is to come, and the need for repentance. The people have expectations for what that kingdom will look like, and who will enter into it. But who…

Essentials for Spiritual Growth

We are so glad that you are joining us for our time of worship this morning. As believers, we know that we are saved when the gospel call transforms our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. At a particular moment in time, we are made new creations in Christ. But from that time on, we are involved in a constant process of growth and maturity. We learn more about the God…

Righteousness Revealed in the Gospel

Happy Reformation Day!  October 31 is a day to commemorate the mighty work of God where the light of the true gospel burst forth into the darkness of the medieval Europe.  Hundreds of years of man-made beliefs, traditions, and ceremonies obscured the plain teaching of the Bible, resulting in a corrupt church and fearful people, having no hope and…

The King’s Design for Marriage: Part 4

Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. This week we will conclude our look at the King’s Design for Marriage from Matthew 19. The disciples have heard the challenge of the Pharisees and the answers that Jesus has given. Their understanding is that marriage is a critical relationship that’s not to be taken lightly, and that…

The King’s Design for Marriage, part 3

Welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. As we work through Matthew 19, we are thinking through the King’s design for marriage. The Pharisees challenge Jesus with regard to divorce, but he directs their attention back to a right understanding of marriage. From the beginning, God has designed marriage to be a lifelong covenant between one man and…