As we move through the book of Psalms, it is a blessing to see how God’s word ministers to us in every stage and situation of life. There are Psalms that give wisdom when we need understanding, Psalms that give us words of praise when our hearts are joyful, and Psalms that give voice to our cries of despair when life is difficult, dangerous, or downright unfair. The “lament” Psalms that we have worked through over the last couple of weeks have done just that. They help us to think and act rightly in times of trouble. But what happens when the trouble comes because of our own failure? We know that sin has a cost, and that the consequences for our actions can be severe. Is there hope after failure, even significant failure? How do we move forward when we have done something that is clearly contrary to what God calls for? Psalm 51 shows us how David dealt with his sin, and this precious portion of scripture reminds us that confession is good for the soul. We hope that you will reach out to us with any questions or prayer requests. We would love to know how we can be ministering to you!
Then David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the LORD.” And Nathan said to David, “The LORD also has taken away your sin; you shall not die.”
2 Samuel 12:13