Sermons on Failure
Sin, Slavery, & Salvation
Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. We would love to know how we can be praying for you, your family, or your circumstances. This week we will be in Hosea 9-12. We have been working through a long section that deals with God’s righteous judgement of the sins of his people. They have clearly violated their covenant with…
Rejection & Remorse
Good morning, and welcome to our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. Last week we looked at the unjust trial of Jesus Christ before the religious leaders of Israel. Despite the lies, the Son maintained perfect obedience. He was silent, even as scripture prophesied that he would be. And when asked specifically about who he was, he spoke the only true testimony…
The Peril of Spiritual Pride
Welcome to Chapel City Church. We are glad that you’ve joined us for our time of corporate worship today. If you have any questions or specific items that we can pray for, please reach out and let us know. This week we will move on in Matthew 26 and look at the danger of spiritual pride. The disciples are still struggling to understand all that…
When Faith Fails
Thank you for joining us for our time of worship here at Chapel City Church. So far in Matthew 17 we have gone up and down the mountain with Jesus, Peter, James, and John. They have seen the glory of Christ revealed as Jesus was transfigured and the voice from heaven proclaimed that he was the Beloved Son. Last week we saw the disciples struggle to put together the…
Confession is Good for the Soul
As we move through the book of Psalms, it is a blessing to see how God’s word ministers to us in every stage and situation of life. There are Psalms that give wisdom when we need understanding, Psalms that give us words of praise when our hearts are joyful, and Psalms that give voice to our cries of despair when life is difficult, dangerous, or downright unfair. The…